Matching bij International Business studiekeuzecheck

Great that you’ve applied to study International Business! Is International Business really a good match for you? Even after applying, you can check your match by participating in matching activities. Join the matching day or become a student for a day to find the right match.


You’ve applied for International Business at HAN, but perhaps you still have questions or doubts. You’re looking for extra confirmation that this program really is a good fit for you. Or you’ve applied for multiple programs and still have to make your final decision. The matching activities for International Business will help with that. 

Matching is not mandatory. You can choose to participate in whichever activities you like.  It’s a good way of checking whether you’ve made the right choice. To ask your final questions and see whether your expectations are correct. Because when you start the program, we want you to feel you’re in the right place.

Step 1: My Match questionnaire

After applying in Studielink, you’ll get access to an online questionnaire. You’ll get an email about it. By answering a few questions, you’ll reflect once again on your reasons for choosing this program.

Step 2: matching activities

After the intake, choose 1 or more matching activities, e.g. a matching interview or a Student for a Day event. During a matching interview you can ask for matching advice. That’s advice from the program about whether they think the program is a good match for you.

Matching options

Matching interview

Want to get all the details? To discuss your personal situation with someone from the program? You can do that during a matching interview. We can also give you matching advice during that interview. You can choose to speak with a student or a teacher.

praat met docent in twee gesprek


Do you have a disability or a temporary illness? Or are you an entrepreneur, informal caregiver or elite athlete? It would be handy if you could already let us know about that. Then we can look at which resources, accommodations or support are possible in your situation. Even if you don’t need help when you start your International Business studies, it’s smart to already let us know. Then we can organize things quicker if help is needed later. 

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University of Applied Sciences SKILLS


Studying at a University of Applied Sciences might be a bit different than what you’re used to. A number of skills will come in handy, such as reading and summarizing long texts, quickly finding information, giving presentations and planning well. Relax, you can learn these skills too! You’ll probably pick them up naturally, and otherwise you can follow courses or workshops. 

wat moet je kunnen op het hbo vaardigheden


Have you made the final decision?  Are you sure you want to start the English-taught International Business program?  Yes!  If you’ve met all the requirements, you can complete your enrollment. Read what you have to do next.

Knoop doorhakken studiekeuze meisje confetti klaar om te kiezen aanmelden


Do you have any questions about the matching activities for International Business? First check the FAQ (in Dutch). You might find the answer to your question there. No? Contact ASK HAN.

vraagteken vragen faq groen