Health and Social Studies

International Week 2024 day 1

Week Health and Social Studies. horizontaal

Check out the program for the HAN International Week Health and Social Studies on day 1, Wednesday the 31st of January 2024. Lets open the week together at 9.30 AM with students, lecturers, the organisation, the Sound of Change and Bridget Kievits, member of the HAN Executive Board.



At HAN University of Applied Sciences we educate our students to evolve into reflective and socially engaged global citizens. The International Week Health and Social Studies contributes to that goal. Bridget Kievits, member of the HAN Executive Board will open our week together with the organisation, students and the Sounds of Change. Everyone can join us on campus in the canteen area. 

10.00-10.45: Shula Tas

Climbing the empathy wall

“Build that Wall! Build that wall!”. Do you recognize these words from a foreign politician?  They were used in the context of migrants trying to find a better life. Some of you might feel empowered by these words. Others might feel disgusted. Funnily enough, there’s not much space in between. When you’re on one side of the debate, you are probably equally disgusted by the people and the views on the other side. Shula Tas will discuss why this phenomenon is called the empathy wall, and how we can try to climb it. “Climb that wall! Climb that wall!”

11.30-12.15: Sounds of Change

Music changes the world because it changes people

Hashem Kabreet and Lucas Dols from Sounds of Change talk about their experiences working with music in conflict affected areas in the world. With the method they developed for Sounds of Change, they train other care providers to use the power of music as a means to establish connection, bring out creativity and to stimulate opportunities for healing and personal development. This of course includes many practical examples of making music with the audience. 

Sounds of Change
12.15-13.00: Sander de Kramer

Stories from Sierra Leone

How a social journalist from Rotterdam became a Chief in Africa". In 2007 journalist Sander de Kramer went to Sierra Leone. The African country was called the worst place in the world. Sander was touched by the many young orphans who were forced to work in the diamond mines. Then great things happened.

International Week sander de kramer
13.45-15.15: Seyda Buurman-Kutsal

The anatomy of prejudice: Brown Eyes Blue Eyes

The anatomy of prejudice: Brown Eyes Blue Eyes. We experience differences every day, in our society, in the city or village where we live and in the workplace. Prejudice often stands in the way of a balanced relationship. Diversity is a given, it is universal. Let's use it as an asset to deal with variety and complexity.
Keynote International Week Health and Social Studies, Seyda Kutchal
15.30-16.15: Izaline Calister & Thijs Borsten

From The Other Side

As part of the theme "Growing Together," singer Izaline Calister (Curaçao) and pianist Thijs Borsten (Netherlands) present a segment from the musical theater production "From The Other Side." In this performance, they playfully challenge each other to see themselves through the eyes of the other. Thijs encourages Izaline to sing several songs, while Izaline urges Thijs to empathize with her more than ever before. What does it mean to be black or white, or to be a woman or a man? Thijs and Izaline discuss this openly, revealing both similarities and misunderstandings.

Izaline & Thijs
16.15-18.00u (not visible in livestream)

Bingo & Drinks

Join the bingo session of the International Week and have some fun! Everyone has a chance to win great prizes!


blij confetti feest

Check out day 2

Els van Driel, Sarita Bajnath and Archell Thompson... Learn more about day 2.

International week talkshow microfoon 2020/2021