in lounge ruimte

School Council

Wendy and Liudmyla's world ranges from CO2-meters to degree statutes

Interested in what the School Council does over the year? Members Myla Zhukovska and Wendy Broeders are happy to tell you about the projects and problems that the School Council concerns itself with. “Well, basically everything that’s going on here.”

Pim Muller
Drie leden van de Academieraad van de Academie Toegepaste Biowetenschappen en Chemie, Carien Booijink, Liudmyla Zhukovska en Sonja Lezaja
NGI project GNU Taler

A payment system that ensures privacy

Making anonymous digital payments? Current payment systems don’t allow this yet. But GNU Taler does. HAN’s research center Inclusive Digital Design & Engineering is testing this payment system for accessibility.

HAN Newsroom
Man betaalt bij de snackautomaat met de GNU-taler app op zijn telefoon
Lasting friendship

Hi partner! Want to work together?

Welcome to HAN International Social Work. On this page you find a lot of relevant information for you as future partner. Our aim is to create sustainable partnerships that consist of student and staff mobility, mutual learning and research. Meet Sjors Jansen and Sanne van den Heuvel, your contacts.

HAN Newsroom
International Social Work. Klas college groep studenten en docent. digiboard op de achtergrond
Sustainabilty contest

Dutch and Finnish students compete together in Biobased Battle 2023

Over 100 students of 11 universities of applied sciences in Finland and the Netherlands participated in the Biobased Battle 2023 from March 27th until March 30th. 'I know more now about working with people from different cultures', according to one of the participants.

HAN Newsroom
Plastic afval. Bouwkunde maakt er woningen van. Robert en Maud studeerden erop af.
An impressive accomplishment

International Business at HAN is FIBAA accredited

This impressive accomplishment has a far-reaching impact at the International School of Business (ISB). On the students, lecturers, students, alumni and management of the International Business (IB) program.

HAN Newsroom
Campagnebeeld international studenten Tonian en Anser blauwe achtergrond
Preferred partner

Symeres director Tommi Meulemans: ‘Organic chemistry is a form of art’

For chemistry students interested in the early stages of new medicine development, Symeres offers great possibilities. We spoke with Director of Chemistry Tommi Meulemans about the cutting-edge technology at Symeres, his passion for organic chemistry and Symeres’ cooperation with HAN-students. “We want to educate them in the art of synthesis.”

Pim Muller
Tommi Meulemans is onderzoeker bij ATBC-preferred partner Symeres

From HAN to Warner Music

Tieu Anh's career journey is inspiring. She graduated from Communication with honors in 2019. A year later, she got her master's degree in Communication and Media Studies - with distinction. After her graduation, she did a traineeship at a communication agency and worked as a junior social media manager. In 2022, her hard work paid off as she landed her current job: working as a content creation manager for Warner Music.

HAN Newsroom
Beeld tbv cursus podcast ontwikkelen en lanceren
Minor Drugs Discovery

Key steps in drug discovery

In February, another group of students will start their minor Drug Discovery. It means they’ll get the chance to work on assignments contributing to the early stages of drug discovery.

Pim Muller
CEO Koen Dechering van TropiQ houdt zich bezig met de ontwikkeling van een nieuw medicijn tegen malaria. Hij levert ook een bijdrage aan de minor Drug Discovery
Internship abroad

Life (sciences) in Melbourne: “So many opportunities”

Russian student Arina Kochetkova (22) is following an internship at the Baker Institute in Melbourne. She’s enjoying everything Australia has to offer and is happy to share tips and experiences with her fellow HAN-students. “It can be difficult to reach institutes here, so start early!”

Pim Muller
Life Sciencesstudent Arina Kochetkova loopt stage in Melbourne.
Away with disposable cups

Cup of coffee or tea? Use the Billie Cup!

Early class at 8:30? You wake yourself up with a cup of coffee from the coffee machine. Later, you have a class in another building so you quickly grab a new one. Then you switch to tea, another cup. That’s 3 disposable cups in one day.

Lori Schulpen
Afbeelding van de Billie Cup, de duurzame beker voor warme dranken.