Arnhem campus

The HAN campus in Arnhem has all the facilities you need. Libraries, canteens, pubs, sports facilities and places to relax with fellow students. Also, an excellent WIFI connection, a handy online learning environment and Insite, HAN’s intranet for staff and students.

HAN werkstudent en bezoeker op Open Avond. Ruitenberglaan 31, Arnhem

A place to focus and relax

The HAN campus in Arnhem

The HAN University of Applied Sciences campus in Arnhem has everything you need to make the most out of your studies. Libraries. Private study rooms. But the campus is more than just a place to study. 

Sip a cup of coffee in the Hangar and chitchat with your friends. Regain your focus with a meditation session in the Silentium. Need some fresh air? Go out for a walk in the tranquil Presikhaaf park. Or pet a goat and watch bunnies at the nearby petting farm. 

Students relaxing outside
How to get to the campus? 

Campus map

The Arnhem campus is located on the Ruitenberglaan in Arnhem north. It’s very accessible by train: NS Station Presikhaaf is just a short walk away. From this station you can reach the center of Arnhem in just a few minutes. You can also go to campus by bike (the Dutch way!) or by car.

Click here to see a map of the area around the Arnhem campus (including parking spots).

What's it like to study at the Arnhem campus?

Campus tour by Ricarda

16 November 2024

Online Open Day

Our Online Open Day was on 23 March 2024. Did you miss it? No worries! We’ve recorded sessions of our talk shows about visa, housing, admission, scholarships, student life and more. So you can watch our videos wherever and whenever you like.

The next Online Open Day is on 16 November 2024. Want to be notified when registrations for the next Online Open Day open? Pre-register for November so you’ll get a mail from us when you can secure your spot for the Online Open Day. Don't miss this chance to connect with HAN students, lecturers and ask all of your questions.

International students Diego and Andrei studying at the library on the Arnhem campus of HAN University of Applied Sciences.

A quick guide to our campus

Where to drink coffee?

Looking for a cozy place to sit down and chat? Then the Hangar is the place to be. Get yourself a cup of coffee. And a snack, if you feel like it! The Hangar is located in Ruitenberglaan 31.

Where to eat?

Each building has its own canteen, where you can get drinks and snacks. The larger canteens also offer warm meals. There are several cafes, where you can wind down with fellow students after a day of studying. Are you vegan? Do you have allergies? No worries, there are options available for everyone.

studenten lachen in gezonde kantine

Where to hang out?

Music nights. Pub quizzes. Soccer matches. Or just simply have a drink with friends. You can do all of this in Lokaal 99, located right in the middle of the campus. It's the perfect place to hang out after a day full of studying with a refreshing glass of beer (or to have a 'borrel', as the Dutch would say).

Studenten komen na de lessen samen bij Lokaal 99 om iets te drinken. Op de achtergrond het onderwijsgebouw van Engineering en Automotive.

Where to study?

HAN has 2 multimedia centers on the Arnhem campus. They offer nice, quiet places to study on your own. You can work on an assignment or presentation or edit movies using a virtual cutting machine. Want to work as a group? No problem. The multimedia centers also have a great collection of books, journals, graduation papers, and much more.

Where to buy office supplies?

Need to buy new stationary supplies? Looking for a cute postcard to send home? Want to buy a HAN varsity jacket or t-shirt? You can do all of this at our campus shop. The campus shop sells various items, including office supplies, workbooks and readers, sweets, greeting cards and personal hygiene products, e.g. deodorant.

Student looking at books in campus store

Where to clear your mind?

Take a moment to clear your mind at the Silentium. That's the meditation room at Ruitenberglaan 31. Practice some mindfulness, meditation or yoga on your own, for example. Or follow a course or workshop.

Student meisje gebaart stilte (voor toetsperiode)
Have fun, stay fit


Want to keep fit during your studies? Play your favorite sport or even try a new sport? There are lots of student sports clubs in Arnhem. Many of them offer very affordable prices and students from HAN often get a discount. The sports facilities are often close by, so you can be even healthier and do as the Dutch - ride there on your bike!

Studenten klimmen op de klimwand.

Campus facilities

Multimedia Centers

The Arnhem campus has 2 multimedia centers, at Ruitenberglaan 31 and 27. They have a great collection of books, journals, graduation papers, DVDs, and much more. Our expert staff can help with your search queries.

Studenten studeren in studiecentrum en maakt notitie, van bovenaf

Online learning

Part of your study will take place online. With your HANaccount you can log in to your mailbox. Use the OnderwijsOnline virtual learning environment to exchange information with lecturers and classmates and hand in assignments.

Een student werkt achter haar laptop.


HAN’s wireless networks allow you to work on your laptop anywhere on campus. Most HAN buildings have 2 wireless networks: "eduroam" for students and staff and "HANguest" for visitors.

Laptop met handen afbeelding

International Office

The International Office can help you with practical matters, like renewing your student visa, or organizing a semester abroad. At the Nijmegen campus they're located at Kapittelweg 33. Feel free to drop by with any questions.

Student Support

Need a bit of extra help or guidance during your studies? Because of a disability or special circumstances, for example? We've got it covered. HAN offers extensive student support services, like coaching, workshops, counseling and more.

Open Avond Arnhem. Een op een gesprek Ruitenberglaan 31, Arnhem


Do you need to print or scan a document? Using printers at HAN is easy. There are printers available in all buildings and on all floors. Just bring your HAN card with you to print or scan a document. That's all!

Student printing in campus store
Meet new people

Social events

The international student body at HAN forms a close-knit community. New student? You’ll get a warm welcome into the community! This student body organizes lots of energetic, fun and creative social events. These are offered throughout the academic year.

You can also join the International Student Association (ISA). ISA organizes ski trips, visits to European cities and social events. For example, the Boat Gala at the end of each academic year.

Students enjoying beers outside

Living in Arnhem

Curious what it's like to live in Arnhem (the Netherlands) as an international student? Check out our page about Arnhem. Read more about the highlights of the city. And find out how HAN University of Applied Sciences students experience living in Arnhem.

Bachelor programs located in Arnhem

Automotive Engineering

Mobility is changing. Towards a new kind of automobile. Cleaner. More efficient. More intelligent. Automotive engineers across the globe are developing these vehicles of the future. Want to join them? Choose Automotive Engineering at HAN and get the latest automotive expertise. And so much more.

74f2e260-2be3-11ef-a014-42cba9b6ae87 Studenten van de master Engineering Systems Automotive Systems doen metingen aan de MORE Vehicle.


A communication degree at the International School of Business opens up a world of possibilities. After all, every company and every organization in the world has a message. Your challenge as a communication specialist? To get that message across so people will listen.

17f9cbd6-0cfa-11ee-a0a1-02565807075b Studenten in ISB Basecamp

International Social Work

We live in a world full of challenges. From natural disasters to poverty. From climate change to human rights violations. As an internationally oriented social worker you contribute to a healthy and inclusive society. Study International Social Work at HAN and make a world of difference!

fb0a9348-0cfe-11ee-8edb-02565807075b International Social Work. Studenten in collegebanken met praatplaat op tafel

Master programs located in Arnhem

Circular Economy

The economy of the future no longer relies on maximizing profits. Instead, it is based on reproducing, recycling, and reusing. In this masters in circular economy, you help international companies transition to sustainable business practices.

424499 studenten met docent in overleg

Engineering Systems

Ready to take your engineering skills to the next level? HAN’s Master in Engineering Systems gives you the know-how to develop the systems of the future. Systems that are crucial in a wide range of fields: automotive, sustainable energy and cyber-physical systems.

8aae95e0-2b20-11ef-8a96-557d3447581d Student Master Engineering Systems Automotive Systems aan het werk in de klas.